간호학 문제중심학습에 기초한 창의성통합교육모형(C-PBL) 개발 및 효과

Development of Creativity Integrated Problem-Based Learning Model for Nursing Education

  • 투고 : 2011.09.06
  • 심사 : 2011.12.12
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


Purpose: This study aimed at (a) developing an instructional model of creative thinking education on the problem-based learning method (C-PBL) in undergraduate nursing curriculum at one University, and (b) examining its effect on nursing students' level of creativity and outcomes from problem-based learning. Methods: The C-PBL model was implemented on 43 juniors of the experimental group with a 30 hour-nursing class during one semester. The control group, with 54 seniors, received 4 hours of problem based learning training in an adult nursing class. Pre-and post-tests were done with the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking for creative thinking ability, the Integrated Creativity Instrument for creative motivation and attitudes, the Problem Solving Competency questionnaire, and the Self-Directed Learning Instrument. Results: The C-PBL model was developed using a caring situation scenario to solve nursing problems with 3 training steps of 'encountering a patient in a caring situation', 'exploring nursing knowledge', and 'designing creative caring beyond given knowledge'. Between the experimental group and the control group, there were significant differences in creativity (p<.010), problem-solving ability (p<.010), and self-directed ability (p<.010). Conclusion: This C-PBL method could contribute in increasing creative competency as well as problem-solving ability for nursing students.



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피인용 문헌

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