국립공원 지역에 있어서 토석류 재해의 특성 분석

Characteristics Analysis of Debris Flow Disaster in Korean National Parks

  • 마호섭 (경상대학교 환경산림과학부(농업생명과학연구원)) ;
  • 정원옥 (국립공원관리공단 국립공원연구원)
  • 투고 : 2010.05.15
  • 심사 : 2010.08.09
  • 발행 : 2010.08.30


This study was carried out to analyze the occurrence characteristics and the influence of forest environment factors on the debris flow of 3 national parks in korea. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows; The total number of debris flow occurrence was 125 areas. The average length of the debris flow scar was 144m, average width was 20m. And the average area and sediment were $2,854m^2$ and $3,959m^3$ respectively. The factors influencing the debris flow were highly occurred in Metamorphic rock, mixed forest type. And also, slope gradient was $30{\sim}35^{\circ}$, aspect was NE, altitude was over 1,000m, vertical and cross slope was concave (凹), soil depth was below 15cm, stream order was 0 order. The variables of cross slope (complex), deciduous tree, soil depth (over 46cm), cross slope (concave), mixed forest type and altitude (801~1200m) in correlation analysis were significant at 1 % level. The landslide of high mountain area highly tend to change the debris flow in stream bed of torrent. The debris flow in national parks mainly occurred in high mountain area with long ridge and steep slope.



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