Evaluation of Conservation and Use Values of Heritage Tourism Resources - Focused on Sustainable Use -

유산관광 자원에 대한 보존 및 이용가치 평가 - 지속가능한 이용을 중심으로 -

  • Yi, Young-Kyoung (Landscape Architecture at Dongguk University) ;
  • Yi, Pyong-In (Regional Environmental System Engineering at Pusan National University)
  • 이영경 (동국대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 이병인 (부산대학교 지역환경시스템학과)
  • Received : 2010.06.07
  • Accepted : 2010.07.28
  • Published : 2010.08.31


Heritage resources have become important social assets as the global interests in heritage tourism increased. Utilization of heritage as unique tourist destination has positive effects on regional economy, which in turn plays an important role in heritage conservation. However, it was found that the essential quality of heritage resources has been degraded and even destroyed when excessive use was permitted. This undesirable side-effects of heritage tourism have led to the growing concern for sustainable tourism that can contribute to both utilization and conservation of heritage. In order for sustainable tourism to be effectively implemented, it is crucial for visitors to be aware of the need for heritage conservation because they are the most important consumers of the heritage. The purpose of this study was to suggest some basic information for sustainable tourism by investigating visitors' evaluation of conservation and use values of heritage resources. The study sites were the two Korean traditional temples(Sokrisan Bubjusa and Naejangsan Naejangsa) and contingent valuation method was used. 390 visitors in Bubjusa and 308 visitors in Naejangsa participated in the questionnaire survey. From the results, sustainable tourism is possible in such heritage areas as traditional temples because the participants had relatively balanced values for heritage conservation and use. The WTP for natural conservation value was found to be highest in both temples; visitors may be more agreeable with the heritage conservation plan if the sustainability of natural resource is emphasized. Also, the use value of heritage could be influenced by the tourism utilization of the area where the heritage was located. If there are no other famous tourist destinations except the heritage in the area, additional plans to develop alternative destinations should be prepared in order to formulate the agreement on the need to protect the heritage among visitors, local communities, and government.



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