Characteristics of Metallic and Ionic Concentration in $PM_{10}$ at Inland and Seashore in Busan

부산지역 내륙과 해안의 $PM_{10}$ 중의 금속농도와 이온농도 특성

  • Jeon, Byung-Il (Department of Environmental Engineering, Silla University) ;
  • Hwang, Yong-Sik (Korea Research Center for Asbestos-Related Diseases, Pusan National University) ;
  • Oh, Kwang-Joong (Department of Environmental Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • 전병일 (신라대학교 환경공학과) ;
  • 황용식 (부산대학교 석면중피종연구센터) ;
  • 오광중 (부산대학교 환경공학과)
  • Received : 2010.03.29
  • Accepted : 2010.06.11
  • Published : 2010.06.30


$PM_{10}$ mass were measured in Gwaebeopdong (inland) and Dongsamdong (seashore) of Busan in summer and fall, 2007 and the 24-hour averaged samples were analyzed to investigate temporal and spatial variability of metallic elements and water-soluble ions in $PM_{10}$. Overall average concentrations of $PM_{10}$ mass during the study period were 72.7 ${\mu}g/M^3$ and 64.3 ${\mu}g/M^3$ in Gwaebeopdong and Dongsamdong, respectively. As for metal elements, averaged concentrations of crustal components, Ca, Fe, K, Mn, and Ti, in Gwaebeopdong exhibited enhancement relative to Dongsamdong. Non-crustal elements, Pb and Cu, displayed elevated levels in Gwaebeopdong while Ni and Zn were observed to be high in Dongsamdong. Averaged nitrate concentration in Gwaebeopdong (6.36 ${\mu}g/M^3$) was greater than in Dongsamdong(5.68 ${\mu}g/M^3$) and both areas had higher level of nitrate in summer than in fall. Averaged sulfate concentrations in Dongsamdong (25.4%) exhibited elevated level relative to Gwaebeopdong (19.4%). Overall average contribution of water-soluble ions to $PM_{10}$ in Dongsamdong (47.5%) was higher than in Gwaebeopdong (37.8%). The average mass fractions of secondary ions in $PM_{10}$ were elevated in Dongsamdong (37.1%) as compared to Gwaebeopdong (31.4%). Equivalent ratio of [${SO_4}^{2-}/NO_3{^-}$] was seen to be lower in Gwaebeopdong (1.39) than that in Dongsamdong (1.79) and consistently higher in summer than in fall for both areas.



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