- 김준현, 2008, 시계열 모형과 지리정보시스템을 결합한 상수도 누수 추적 시스템의 개발 및 적용, 한국영향평가학회 추계학술발표대회 초록집, pp. 247-253.
- 김준현. 2009, 상수도 관리 및 누수의 통합적 관리 시스템의 개발 및 적용, 연구 보고서.
ArcView and water network models have been integrated to develop the water network modeling system based upon GIS. To develop this system, pre, main, and post processing systems are required. GIS programming technique was adopted by using the ArcView's script language Avenue. The input data of models have been prepared by using the AutoCAD Map3D through the conversion of modeling input data to GIS data for A city. The modeling has been implemented by using EPANET, WaterCAD, InfoWorks. To develop the post processing system, the modeling results of the water network models have been analyzed by using GIS. During the application process of the developed system to B city with 300,000 population, main problems were found in the constructed GIS DB of that city. Thus, pilot study area of B city has been constructed, and pre-, main, and post-processing techniques were invented based upon GIS. Finally, the problems related to waterworks GIS projects in Korea were discussed and solutions were suggested.