Analysis of the Difference in Pilot Error by Using the Signal Detection Theory

신호탐지론을 활용한 조종사 Error 차이 분석

  • 권오영 (공군항공안전관리단 항공심리연구원)
  • Received : 2010.03.10
  • Accepted : 2010.03.26
  • Published : 2010.03.31


This study was to analyze the difference in pilot error by using the Signal Detection Theory. The task was to detect the targeted aircraft(signal) which is different shape from many other aircraft(noise). From the two experiments, we differentiated the task difficulty followed by change in noise stimuli. Experiment 1 was to search the signal stimuli(fighter plane) while the noise stimuli(cargo plane) were increasing. The results from the Experiment 1 showed the tendency to decrease the hit rate by increasing the number of noise stimuli. However, the false alarm rate was not increased. The sensitivity(d') showed quite high. In Experiment 2, a disturbance stimulus(helicopter) was added to noise stimuli. The result was generally similar to those of Experiment 1. However, the hit rate was lower than that of Experiment 1.



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