수중회전조절운동이 20대 여성의 균형유지에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Aquatic Rotation Exercise on Balance Maintenance

  • 최석주 (대구과학대학 물리치료과) ;
  • 윤세원 (광주여자대학교 물리치료학과)
  • Choi, Sug-Ju (Department of Physical Therapy, Taegu Science College) ;
  • Yoon, Se-Won (Department of Physical Therapy, Kwangju Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2009.10.23
  • 심사 : 2009.12.21
  • 발행 : 2010.02.25


Purpose: This study was designed to examine the effects of a Halliwick rotation program on improving balance. Methods: Nine healthy females were randomly assigned to a Halliwick rotation program training as an aquatic group (n=9, age=$22.5{\pm}1.3$ years) or to a control group. The aquatic group trained using a Halliwick rotation program (3 times/week, 30 min/day) for 6 weeks. Balance was measured according to stance position: Hard Plate Open Eyes (HOE), Hard Plate Close Eyes (HCE), Soft Plate Open Eyes (SOE) and Soft Plate Close Eyes (SCE). This was done before the training and 3 and 6 weeks after the training. The data were analyzed with the SPSS Win 12.0 program using repeated measure ANOVA. Results: There were significant training-induced differences in SOE and POE (p<0.05), and in SCE and PCE (p<0.05) by Toe pad. There were significant training-induced differences in SOE and POE (p<0.05) by Heel pad after the aquatic rotation exercise program. Conclusion: The Halliwick rotation program can improve balance.



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