백두대간 생태 복원을 위한 시민참여 프로그램 개발과 적용

Development and Application of Participatory Ecological Restoration Program for BaigDooDaeGahn

  • 투고 : 2010.02.11
  • 심사 : 2010.04.15
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


Ecological restoration aims to reverse the degradation of ecosystems that occurred as humans have affected landscapes. This study was conducted in part of a larger project to develop participatory ecological restoration procedures for disturbed areas in Baigdoodaegahn which is a major mountain range in the Korean Peninsula. The case of alpine farmland at Kangwon-do was selected to apply the theoretical framework of participatory restoration since the nutrient contents in alpine solid under vegetable cultivation degrade water quality in the watershed while farmers in the region are economically struggling due to imports of vegetables from China. The reciprocal model of restoration was applied to cope with interactions between human and ecosystem needs in ecological restoration. A series of environmental education and eco-tourism programs were developed and incorporated into the participatory restoration project to rebuild social-cultural aspects of the community as well as to restore the biophysically disturbed area while meeting both ecological needs and human needs. This study suggests that participatory projects will be more successful when experts support the local residents and citizens in restoration process, when leadership are developed through social learning, and when ecological, financial and social factors of restoration are integratedly considered.
