부엌가구디자인 효율화를 위한 식생활물품 체크리스트

The Checklist Based on Stored items of Cooking for Kitchen Furniture Design

  • 김선중 (울산대학교 주거환경학) ;
  • 권명희 (울산대학교 생활과학연구소)
  • 투고 : 2010.03.10
  • 심사 : 2010.06.09
  • 발행 : 2010.06.25


The purpose of this study is to develop a checklist based on the stored items of cooking, for making a good kitchen furniture reseach. The research candidates are purposive sampled from 30 households of for 40 or 50 pyeong-type apartments in Kangnam, Seoul, The research data are is collected gotten at by a field study of the stored items of cooking, eating and utility area, by an in-depth interview to 30 households, and by a field survey of the department stores, super-markets of home appliances. Studied households in average hold about 890 items, which are classified as 239 sorts. The first step of making the checklist is to categorize items into 9 biggest categories, considering the usage of items and the stage of the preparing the food. when the item was used. Second step of making the checklist is to categorize the items into 31 smaller categories, which reflect the shape of items, the storage style and the place of storage. Third step of making the checklist is to sort the items into smallest categories by the frequency of the usage, storage type, and the additional capacity of the item. Even Although items are sorted into the same level of categories, the frequency of use make a different storage area. Also, the storage style of the items was different according to the storage area. Based on these factors, we suggested a checklist based on the stored items of cooking.



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