광양매화축제를 기반으로 한 패션문화상품 디자인개발 연구

Development of Design for Cultural Fashion Products based on the Gwangyang Ume Flower Festival

  • 김선영 (순천대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2009.10.29
  • 심사 : 2009.11.24
  • 발행 : 2010.05.31


For the Gwangyang Ume Flower Festival, this study sought to develop competitive fashion culture goods design and to activate regional culture festival by reinterpreting ume flower image in accordance with current trends, manufacturing motive patterns, and applying them to neckties, scarves, and T-shirts. In terms of method, four basic motives were set that showed new figurative images of ume flowers using Adobe Illustrator 10. The repetitive units of each motive we combined with the ume flower motives and the geometrical patterns, such as quadrangle, triangle, and circle. The basic direction of design was set so that color and texture could have colorful, modern, and natural images using pastel tone and gradation. The set patterns were applied to the repetition, the repetition of the transformed patterns of 45 angle, and the strife patterns, making it possible to display various images in the fashion items such as neckties, scarves, handkerchiefs, or T-shirts. The development of such fashion culture goods seems to be more significant, since they can be easily accessed by general festival participants. Accordingly, the Gwangyang Ume Flower Festival seems to develop not into food-led festival, but into a cultural festival that can publicize more various programs and create profits.



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