Objectives : The aim of this study was to show the rationale of point-selection for acupuncture and moxibustion in "the Urine"section(in the Naegyeong Chapter) of "the Dong-Ui-BO-Gam". Methods : First, We reviewed the causes of each disease in "the Urine" section of the "Dong-Ui-BO-Gam". Then, We explained the rationale of acupoint-selection for the treatment of those diseases referring to etiology and physiology of Oriental medicine, other applications of each acupoints in the "Dong-Ui-BO-Gam", characteristic of each acupoints, flow of Gi (Qi) through meridian pathways and specific acupoints etc. Results : There are comments on acupuncture and moxibustion for dysuria, urinary frequency, incontinence of urine, urethral pain, turbid urine, erythroid urine, cystitis of women, urethral pain of women in the Urine section of the "Dong-Ui-BO-Gam". Conclusions : Conception vessel and Kidney meridian are preferably used for acupuncture and moxibustion in "the Urine" section of the "Dong-Ui-BO-Gam". CV4(Kwanwon) is most frequently used and Sp9($\bar{U}$mn$\bar{u}$ngch'$\breve{o}$n), SP6(Sameumgyo), Liv1(Taedon) are also used often.