뉴 미디어 아트의 개념을 도입한 현대 건축의 디자인 경향에관한 연구 - 미디어 발전과 정보 전달 방식의 변화를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Design Tendency of Contemporary Architecture Introducing New Media Art Concept - Focusing on the change for way of information transmission change and media development -

  • 투고 : 2010.12.31
  • 심사 : 2010.04.09
  • 발행 : 2010.04.30


The purpose of this study is to pronounce design trends in contemporary architecture collaborated with new media art concept. Currently, the prevalence of media presence has evolved perspectives on contemporary aesthetics today. To make clear demonstration on the issue, this study categorized new media art's expressional characteristics applied in the contemporary architectural design in conjunction with analytical researches on typologies and expressional characteristics appear in new media art. More specifically, the study selected architects who adopted new media art's expressional characteristics into their works from the year 2000 and performed analytical case studies with regard to the effect of the new media art into their architectural practices. By following methodologies mentioned above, conclusively the study categorized distinct expressional characteristics appears in contemporary architecture as a result of merging with new media art. The characteristics of the new media art appeared in contemporary architecture are categorized into three groups such as the design controlling external environment, the design utilizing web environment and the design participated by users. These observation could be translated that architects could present interactive design between users and building as a result from architect's capability of designing protocols which generate variable forms, colors and patterns in architecture. In particular, architecture utilizing web environment has characteristic capability of configurating user's program in virtual space. Also it is anticipated to suggest new patterns in generating architectural programs and forms. These patterns would not recognize the city merely as an incident or fragmented image but would configurate forms and images constructed by individual notional character. In conclusion, the architecture itself is expected to perform as media to open up opportunities that enables to contribute in expediting interactions among environment, users, and buildings by deviating from perspectives of representation as an object expressed in modernism architecture or as a classical decoration in post-modernism architecture in the past era.



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