The Attributes and Practical Principle of Medical Professionalism

의학 직업전문성의 특성과 실천 원리

  • Hwang, Eun Young (Educational Research Institute, Yonsei University) ;
  • Yang, Eunbae B. (Department of Medical Education, Yonsei University College of Medicine)
  • 황은영 (연세대학교 교육연구소) ;
  • 양은배 (연세대학교 의과대학 의학교육학과)
  • Received : 2010.05.10
  • Accepted : 2010.05.24
  • Published : 2010.06.30


It is the most important thing at present for physicians to posses the qualification of medical professionalism. A lot of medical schools have made all-out efforts to develop leaders of medicine, who will be able to meet the needs of medical professionalism in this complex medical environment. The purpose of this study is to review the cognitive base of medical professionalism leading the curriculum development of medical professionalism. The discussion of medical professionalism started in the 20th century. During the 1960s, there were attempts to reshape the concepts and attributes of medical professionalism. The government began to intervene in the autonomy of physician and the self regulation policy of medical society in 1970s. Physician may be asked to play as a healer and professional (what?) during their medical practice. The fundamental role of healer such as care, compassion, honesty, integrity, confidentiality, ethical behaviors, and respect with patients were nothing fresh to tell even though the age was changed. The attributes of professional which are physician's autonomy, self regulation, teamwork, and responsibility to society has been changed dramatically over the past five decades. In general, medical educators agreed that professionalism is demonstrated through a foundation of clinical competence, communication skills, and ethical and legal understanding, upon which is built application of the principles of professionalism: excellence, accountability, altruism, and humanism. If physicians fail to show professionalism in society, they will confront the crisis which can be under the government control. The only way to keep their autonomy is to practice medical professionalism. So far today, medical schools have laid more stress on competence than value standards in educational systems and it was restricted for medical students to learn the value standards for medical practice. To understand and practice the medical professionalism, it is the most realistic way to solve the complicated medical problems.



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