복부 수술 환자의 저체온 예방 중재 프로그램

Rewarming Intervention Program for Abdominal Surgery Patients

  • 투고 : 2010.03.27
  • 심사 : 2010.04.23
  • 발행 : 2010.05.31


Purpose: This study was done to identify differences in three groups of operative patients (Forced Air Warming, Electrical Blanketrol, Control) for discomfort and pattern of body temperature during surgery and post operatively. Methods: The sample consisted of 3 randomized 3 groups of abdominal surgery patients admitted to an university hospital in D-city : The Bair Hugger and upper body blanket were used with the first group, electrical blanketrol with PVC Film with the second, and the third group was the control. ANOVA was used with the WIN SPSS 17.0 program to analyze the data. Results: Significant differences were found among the three groups for tympanic and esophageal body temperature at 1 hour after starting surgery. There was significant difference in tympanic body temperature during the 15 minute stay in the post anesthetic room. There were no significant differences in thermal discomfort while in the post anesthetic room. or There among the three groups for serum cortisol during surgery. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, application of a Bair Hugger or electrical blanketrol improves maintenance of body temperature of operative patients as well as body temperature of post operative patients, and is a clinically significant warming method providing a more consistent body temperature.



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