This study aims at establishing a sizing system required for producing ready-made clothes which can fit the body shape of disabled men using wheelchair. It measured the bodies of 178 adult men using wheelchair and compared the sizing system of German adult men using wheelchair (1984) with KS system(KS K0050, 2004) in order to establish standards of the sizing system. AS a result, in terms of classification of body shapes, KS system cover more types of disabled men's body shapes and especially, A types (Drop 15.6) showed the widest coverage with 32%. In classification of heights, the widest range of height was 170 cm, and Korean men's four sizes between 158 cm and 176 cm covers 88.2% of disabled men's body shape. For chest size, 91.1% of disabled men's chest sizes were included in seven sizes, which are 4 cm intervals between 88 cm and 112 cm with 100 cm standard. In consideration of the ranges of height and chest, the general sizes (A types; 11 sizes, B types; 3 sizes, Y types; 5 sizes) are selected to present the standardized measurements. Basic parts of the upper garment sizing system for disabled men using wheelchair were height-chest-waist size.