From geometrical to fractal: Variations of the Grid in Architecture

기하학적인 것에서 프랙탈한 것으로: 건축에서의 바둑무늬의 다양성

  • Received : 2010.10.20
  • Accepted : 2010.12.13
  • Published : 2010.12.26


르네상스 시대의 필리포 브뤼넬레치, 19세기의 쟝 니꼴라 루이 뒤랑, 근대 건축의 꾸르뷔지에, 귀세프 테라니, 밀르벤 데르호흐, 그리고 현대건축의 장 누벨과 같은 5명의 건축가의 예를 통해, 건축에서 늘 되풀이되어 나타나는 기하학적 형체로서의 이 격자무늬는 자신의 다면성을 보여준다. 합리적인 면은 그대로 간직한 채, 격자무늬는 순서대로, 균형잡힌 비율의 선, 축에 관한 구성체계, 조립식 건축의 구조, 합리주의의 상징, 건물의 배치와 크기를 결정하는 반복적인 조직망, 삼차원 공간에서의 프랙탈한 이미지로서 나타난다.



  1. ALBERTI Leon Battista, De Pictura, manuscript of Lucca, Biblioteca governativa, MS 1448
  2. ALBERTI Leon Battista, L'Art d'Edifier,trad. & notes: CAYE Pierre & CHOAY Francoise, french edition, Seuil, Paris, 2004, p.55-56, originaledition Dereaedificatoria, in volgare, 1435, in latin between 1435 and 1444
  3. CARTER Peter, Mies van der Rohe, An appreciation on the Occasion, This month on His 75th Birthday, Architecture Design, $n^{\circ}$31, march 1961
  4. DESCARTES Rene, Discours de la methode - Pour bien conduire sa raison, & chercher la verite dans les sciences, Livre Premierde La Geometrie, Des problemes qu'on peut construire sans y employer que des cercles et des lignes droites, original edition, Leyde 1637
  5. DURAND Jean Nicolas Louis, Le Precis des lecons d'architecture donnees a l'Ecole polytechnique (1802 et 1805), Recueil et Parallele des edifices de tout genre, anciens et modernes (1800)
  6. EISENMAN Peter, Giuseppe Terragni Transformations Decompositions Critiques, The Monacelli Press, New York, 2003
  7. FRAMPTON Kenneth, , Oppositions $n^{\circ}$22, New York, IAUS/MIT Press, 1980
  8. FRAMPTON Kenneth, Modern Architecture, A Critical History, Thames and Hudson, London, 1992, 3rd ed. p.231, 1rst ed. 1980.
  9. GANDELSONAS Mario , Oppositions, $n^{\circ}$17, summer 1979, New York, IAUS Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies
  10. Gruppo 7, , La Rassegna italiana, december 1926, and Quadrante $n^{\circ}$23, march 1935, reproduced in PAVIOL Sophie, Guiseppe Terragni - L'invention d'un espace,p.139-145
  11. HONEY Sandra, , Architectural Design, vol.49, $n^{\circ}$3-4, 1979
  12. KOOLHAAS Rem, , in Mies in America, Phyllis Lambert (dir.), Montreal-New York, 2001
  13. KOSTOF Spiro, The City Shaped Urban Patterns & Meanings through History, London, Thames & Hudson, 1991
  14. L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, $n^{\circ}$269, June 1990,
  15. L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, $n^{\circ}$231, February 1984, Jean Nouvel 77-83
  16. LE CORBUSIER, Vers une Architecture, french edition, Arthaud, Paris, 1977, p.249, ed. revised and added a letter from author, original ed., Cres et Cie, Paris, 1923
  17. LE CORBUSIER, Calendrier d'architecture, Almanach d'architecture moderne, french edition, G.Cres et Cie, Paris, 1926
  18. LE CORBUSIER et JEANNERET Pierre, (Euvre Complete (Complete works), Vol.1, 1910-1929, french edition, Les Editions d'Architecture Artemis, Zurich, 1984, 11th ed., originaledition, publisher W. Boesiger, Zurich, 1929
  19. LUCAN Jacques, Esthetique de l'immanence, Exhibition catalogue Centre Georges Pompidou Jean Nouvel, exhibition from 28th of november 2001 to 4th of march 2003, ed. Centre Georges Pompidou, without pagination.
  20. LUCAN Jacques, Composition, non-composition Architecture et theories, XIXe-XXe siecles, french edition, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 2009
  21. MIGAYROU Frederic, "Extensions de la grille" in Les Cahiers du Musee national d'art moderne $n^{\circ}$82, winter 2002/2003, ed. Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2003
  22. NORBERG-SCHULZ Christian, La Signification dans l'Architecture occidentale, french edition Pierre Mardaga, Liege, 1977, p.241, originaled., italian, Significato nell' Architecttura Occidentale, Electra Editrice, Milano, 1974
  23. NORBERG-SCHULZ Christian, Systeme Logique de l'Architecture, french edition, Pierre Mardaga, Liege, 1988, 3rd ed., p.95, original edition, English, Intentions in Architecture, Editions Universitets Forlagat, Oslo, 1962
  24. PAVIOL Sophie, Guiseppe Terragni - L'invention d'un espace, preface Francoise Very, collection Archigraphy, editions Infolio, Come 2006
  25. ROWE Colin, Neo-Classicism and Modern Architecture II, 1956-1957, dans Oppositions, $n^{\circ}$1, 1973
  26. ROWE Colin, Mathematiques de la villa ideale et autres essais, trad. from english: Frank Straschitz, ed. Hazan, Paris, 2000, originale ed.: The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa and Other Essays, MIT Press, 1976
  27. SMITHSON Peter et Alison, The Aesthetics of Change, Architects'Year Book, 8, 1957
  28. SMITHSON Alison et Peter, Without Rhetoric. An Architectural Aesthetic1955-1972, London, 1973
  29. TAFURI Manfredo, "Giuseppe Terragni: Subject & Mask", Oppositions, $n^{\circ}$11, winter 1997, p.4
  30. WITTKOWER Rudolf, Les Principes de l'architecture ala Renaissance, trad. C. Fargeot, french edition, Les Editions de la Passion, Paris, 1996, original edition, english, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, Studies of the Warburg Institute, vol. 19, 1949