Developing Digital Games through Software Reuse

  • Neto, Beatriz (Systems and Computing Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) ;
  • Fernandes, Lucia (Systems and Computing Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) ;
  • Werner, Claudia (Systems and Computing Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) ;
  • De Souza, Jano Moreira (Systems and Computing Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
  • Received : 2010.03.25
  • Accepted : 2010.04.16
  • Published : 2010.06.30


Gaming is an old humans' habit. Games help in logical development and encourage learning of theoretical and practical concepts. Besides they offer entertainment and challenge. The advent of the personal computer changed this tradition. Every year new challenges arise in a digital format, which lead the young and adults to spend hours in front of a computer or TV screen in an attempt to overcome hurdles and reach an objective. Quality, sophistication, and constant innovation are attained through complex computer software that almost has an obligation to improve as each new title is released, due to this game development becomes a challenge. Considering that a game title is software and thus faces the same restrictions of business applications, this article intends to analyze, under the optics of reuse, if game development resorts to reuse, and where and how this happens.



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