대학생의 어머니 취업력, 성취동기와 직업 양성평등의식이 어머니 취업에 대한 부정적 신념에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Maternal Employment History, Achievement Motivation, and Gender Egalitarianism in Job on University Students' Negative Beliefs about the Consequences of Maternal Employment

  • Sung, Mi-Young (Department of Child Studies, Seokyeong University) ;
  • Kwon, Hee-Kyung (Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Changwon National University) ;
  • Chang, Young-Eun (Department of Family Welfare, Chung-Ang University)
  • 투고 : 2010.01.26
  • 심사 : 2010.03.11
  • 발행 : 2010.04.30


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects maternal employment history, achievement motivation and gender egalitarianism in job on university students' negative beliefs about the consequences of maternal employment. A total of 338 university students in Seoul, Kyungki, and Kyungnam area, provided information for the study. Analyses results showed that male students had higher level of negative beliefs about the consequences of maternal employment and achievement motivation and lower level of gender egalitarianism in job than female students did. Mothers' history of employment during the student's middle and high school period and higher job egalitarianism predicted lower negative beliefs about maternal employment. As male and female students were compared, male students with history of mothers' employment, lower level of achievement motivation and higher level of gender egalitarianism showed low level of negative beliefs about maternal employment. For female students, mothers' employment significantly predicted their beliefs about negative consequences of maternal employment.



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