DBR 다공성 실리콘과 Host 다공성 실리콘으로 이루어진 이중 다공성 실리콘의 제조와 광학적 특성

Preparation and Optical Characterization of DBR/Host Dual Porous Silicon Containing DBR and Host Structures

  • 투고 : 2010.06.08
  • 심사 : 2010.06.24
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


DBR/Host dual porous silicons containing DBR and host structure were prepared and their optical properties were characterized using Ocean Optics spectrometer. In this dual porous silicon, single porous silicon layer was used as host layer for possible biomolecule and drug materials and DBR porous silicon layer was used for signal transduction due to the recognition of molecules. Optical reflection spectrum of dual porous silicon displayed only DBR reflection but Fabry-Perot fringe pattern. DBR reflection band of dual porous silicon shifted to the shorter wavelength as the etching time of host layer increased. Cross-sectional FE-SEM image of dual porous silicon displayed a thickness of about 20 micrometer for DBR porous silicon layer. Developed etching technology could be useful to prepare DBR porous silicon which exhibited specific reflection resonance at the required wavelength and to provide an label-free biosensors and drug delivery materials.



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