아이디어 발상 유형화를 통한 창의적 패션 디자인 전개 프로세스 연구

Study on a Creative Fashion Design Development Process through Idea Classification

  • 투고 : 2010.07.27
  • 심사 : 2010.10.20
  • 발행 : 2010.11.30


The purpose of this study is in allowing thinking about the design development process which is more towards the visual and perceptional aspects related to the form structure by more diverse methods by typology of idea generation. To accomplish such goal, researches in the psychology, pedagogy, engineering, and consilient studies as well as related precedent researches and reference data in architecture, promotion, industrial design, and other art fields and fashion designs are collected and analyzed to see the study trend. In addition, in the content analysis method based on such, the idea generation was classified into types in consideration of relevancy, usefulness, and suitability with fashion. First, a concentrated thinking of a limited space is a method of leading an optimal design by focusing on solving the cause of a problem within a space which generates the problem. Second, plan thinking per section of structure decomposition is a method of dismantling the design problems per organization, thinking type, factor, and characteristic into sub-modules to re-interpret and re-organize the problems in various aspects. Third, an associated thinking through interpreting relationships among vocabularies is a method of selecting the marginal languages that allow a person to come up with concrete forms and the key words related to fashion to import the characteristics and attributes of the marginal languages and thematic relationship between the two terms to search the relevancy. Lastly, the free integrated thinking of language extension is a method of groping integration between other fields and fashion by free integration among the extended terms by extending the vocabularies through inferring metaphorical expressions founded upon individual's memories or knowledge concepts regarding theme words that do not allow concrete forms to come up.



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