An Empirical Study on Emotional Space Design Focused on human body movement -

감성공간디자인의 실증적 연구 - 몸의 움직임을 중심으로 -

  • 오영근 (호서대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • Received : 2010.10.27
  • Accepted : 2010.12.10
  • Published : 2010.12.31


Emotional interest in the 1970s, Japan started from the technical and engineering beyond the scope, period late structuralist entering the world has been the subject of interest, as well as in academic research is becoming the main theory. In addition, communication between various disciplines such as humanities through the study of consilience and fusion, the human life to continue as a subject, its importance has risen. So this study are to design for the study of emotion through the human heart in space and how the expression of emotions and can be validated in a study. GSD to evaluate the action (verb) and emotional words (adjective) related to two variables to measure the degree of correlation coefficient was an experiment to find out. Picasso painting, it is 'difficult to understand', 'special', 'interesting', 'not interested', 'confused', 'fun', 'anxious', 'dark', 'cool', 'hard' to have relevance, such as the distribution of emotional words, and as a result of the move was a lot of work. This result can be obtained through the arcane resistance of the cubist paintings that make a lot of body movements. In Renoir painting 'stable', 'warm', 'soft', 'easy to understand', 'bright', 'boring', 'curious', such as emotional words ranged to have a relationship with this behavior is less motion in space. This result can be obtained through the understanding of the Impressionist paintings that are less body movements. As a result, space design, emotional design in the evaluation (GSD) for the empirical analysis that evaluated the feasibility and future of the emotional space of the design could be based in the area is considered.



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