Influence of Parents' Family-of-Origin Experience on Parenting Efficacy

유아기 자녀를 둔 부모의 원가족 경험이 양육효능감에 미치는 영향

  • 전주혜 (중앙대학교 대학원 아동.가족학) ;
  • 박정윤 (중앙대학교 가족복지학과)
  • Received : 2010.10.01
  • Accepted : 2010.11.19
  • Published : 2010.11.30


The purpose of this study was to prove the effects of parents' family-of-origin experiences on their parenting efficacy among 260 parents with children aged between 3 and 7. The results were as follows. First, depending on parents' gender, with children aged between 3 and 7, both parents were found to positively perceive each factor in their family-of-origin experience and parenting efficacy. Second, fathers showed differences based on their income satisfaction and their mothers' employment status in their family of origin. Mothers showed differences in parenting efficacy according to their age, monthly average family income, and economic status in their family of origin. Third, both parents' experiences with their family of origin were correlated with their parenting efficacy. Fourth, family-of-origin health was found to be the most significant family-of-origin variable influencing parents' parenting efficacy. Wealth and experience of triangulation were found to be the influential factors common to both parents. Fathers' experiences of acceptance from their parents in their family of origin was a predictive factor of parenting efficacy. In contrast, in the case of mothers with more than two kids, when their family of origin was an extended family and when the mother in their family of origin had stayed at home, they showed higher parenting efficacy in their current parenting.



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