A Qualitative Case Study Focused on the National Pilot Project to Make Family-Friendly Communities

'가족형' 마을만들기 시범사업 사례 연구

  • Received : 2010.10.01
  • Accepted : 2010.11.19
  • Published : 2010.11.30


This Qualitative case study focused on the National Pilot Project to make family-friendly communities. We examined the basic model of the family-friendly community proposed by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. One of the three local communities selected as family friendly models was chosen for observation and in-depth interview for its residents. The official performance report shows this project's process, results and future tasks. From the in-depth interview data, we defined the project's characteristics as the government and private sectors collaboration, model transformation from the original family friendly model to the production model, and we found some conflicts among residents upon financial issues and business items. The most important task is the vitalization of the community corporate body to realize this project's performance through these three years. And this study implicates to elaborate the rural family-friendly community model focused on income creating community redesign, different from the urban model focused on caring.



Supported by : 광주대학교


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