The Effects of Self-differentiation on the Family Life Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction of Married Employee: Mediating Effects of Conflict Managing Behavior

기혼직장인의 자아분화가 가정생활만족과 직무만족에 미치는 영향 - 갈등대처행동을 매개변인으로 -

  • Park, Kyung-Hwan (Dept. of Business Administration, The Cyber University of Korea)
  • 박경환 (고려사이버대학교 경영학과)
  • Received : 2010.10.01
  • Accepted : 2010.11.17
  • Published : 2010.11.30


This study examined the effects of self-differentiation on family-life satisfaction and job satisfaction, and investigated the mediating effects of conflict-managing behavior. The participants in the present study were 196 married employees. LISREL was employed to test this hypothetical structural model. The results of this empirical study demonstrated that self-differentiation had positive effects on both family-life satisfaction and job satisfaction, which was mediated by the conflict-managing behavior but did not have a direct effect on either family-life satisfaction or job satisfaction. This study verified that conflict-managing behavior had mediating effects on the relationships among self-differentiation, family-life satisfaction, and job satisfaction. The results indicated that the higher the level of self-differentiation was, the more effective conflict-managing behavior was. And the more effective conflict-managing behavior was, the higher the levels of family-life satisfaction and job satisfaction were.



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