The Analysis of Lower-Trunk Sizes and Ease of Pants Patterns for Elementary Boys -Focus on Tall and Plump Boys-

학령기남아 바지패턴설계를 위한 체간하부치수 및 가상치수맞음새 분석 -큰키아동 및 비만아동을 중심으로

  • Kang, Yeo-Sun (Dept. Fashion Design, Duksung Women's University)
  • 강여선 (덕성 여자대학교 의상디자인)
  • Published : 2010.01.31


The study analyzes the lower-trunk sizes of 7-12 year old elementary school boys and compares sizes with boys, juniors, and men for analyzing and image fit. For the study, the data of SizeKorea (2004) was analyzed. Waist, hip, and the ratio of hip-thickness to hip-width were significantly different between age groups as well as between boys, juniors, and men. In the same height group, over 145cm boys had bigger waist than juniors and smaller waists than men. Therefore, the difference of waist size and the length of leg could cause the dissatisfaction of the pant fit when tall and plump boys chose a corresponding pants size to individual height or waist. The hip-thickness of body and pants patterns were compared in the analysis of the ease of hip-thickness. Tall and plump boys will feel discomfort in the crotch area because of the insufficiency of the hip-thickness of pants. Therefore, the amount of crotch extension of individual pants should be calculated by hip size instead of using the fixed amount. The reference sizes for discriminative pants for tall and plump boys were analyzed for a better fit.



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