보육시설 실외놀이 환경과 실외놀이 프로그램 연계를 위한 기초 사례연구 - 대전시 A와 H 어린이집을 대상으로 -

A Case Study of two Child-care Centers to Encourage Outdoor Play Environments and Play Programs in Daejeon

  • 최목화 (한남대학교 아동복지학과) ;
  • 손승희 (한남대학교 아동복지학과) ;
  • 임효신 (한남대학교 아동복지학과)
  • Choi, Mock-Wha (Dept of Child Development and Guidence, Hannam University) ;
  • Son, Seung-Hee (Dept of Child Development and Guidence, Hannam University) ;
  • Lim, Hyo-Sin (Dept of Child Development and Guidence, Hannam University)
  • 투고 : 2010.08.23
  • 심사 : 2010.09.14
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


This study is to provided a basic model to encourage environment and outdoor play programs. The study was based on the analyses of actual activities performed in two child care centers in Daejeon area and the way in which the programs for outdoor play were related to the environment of the centers. Data were collected through 'The Daily Report of the Outdoor Play Programs: Plan and Evaluation' paper conducted at each center performed from 2007 to 2009. Following Mockwha Choi et al., (2007), the play observed and described by teachers was analyzed to classify play areas and play activities within each area. The places, equipment and, playthings using in each play period were also examined as well as the limitation and inspiration caused by the environment. The results of the study are as follows: 1) Empty and unfilled space tended to generate more types of non-structural play and role-pretend play 2)Adventurous play was rarely observed. More thoughtfully designed physical environments need to be provided for children to experience challenge and adventure through physical activities 3) Outdoor play environment should be suitable for the overall developments of infants and toddlers depending on their activities. A child care specialist should support the design such environment 4) Naturally, the programs of outdoor play will not be identical for all child care centers. Rather, they should go along with the programmatic characters and environmental attributes of each center. Therefore the awareness of teachers and parents as to the importance of must realize of outdoor play should be further increased.



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