초등학교 학생의 사회성발달을 위한 문화 공간 연구

A Study on the Cultural Space for Socialization of Elementary School Students

  • 강정희 (한국교원대 교육정책전문대학원) ;
  • 이재림 (한국교원대 교육정책전문대학원)
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


Elementary school is the beginning step of personal relationships. However, the recent social phenomenon shows that the communication and intimate fellowship between the children are decreasing. This is due to the increase in Internet uses their parents' excessive protection caused by a low birthrate. School performs an important role in educating and socializing students. Students get intellectual and emotional satisfactions while they spend most of a day there. This research is aimed to understand cultural school environment for students, to help socializing and to improve the necessary cultural environment. Also, this research has guided to the understanding of the expanded socializtion, including improving school cultural environment for students and has presente the direction to improve the necessary cultural environment. The next was obtained from a survey of Elementary school students.



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