A Study on an Extended Cyber Attack Tree for an Analysis of Network Vulnerability

네트워크 취약성 분석을 위한 확장된 사이버 공격 트리에 관한 연구

  • 엄정호 (성균관대학교 정보통신학부 BK21) ;
  • 박선호 (성균관대학교 컴퓨터공학과) ;
  • 정태명 (성균관대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • Received : 2010.08.07
  • Accepted : 2010.08.28
  • Published : 2010.09.30


We extended a general attack tree to apply cyber attack model for network vulnerability analysis. We defined an extended cyber attack tree (E-CAT) which extends the general attack tree by associating each node of the tree with a transition of attack that could have contributed to the cyber attack. The E-CAT resolved the limitation that a general attack tree can not express complex and sophisticate attacks. Firstly, the Boolean expression can simply express attack scenario with symbols and codes. Secondary, An Attack Generation Probability is used to select attack method in an attack tree. A CONDITION-composition can express new and modified attack transition which a aeneral attack tree can not express. The E-CAT is possible to have attack's flexibility and improve attack success rate when it is applied to cyber attack model.



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