Isolation Frequency of Candida species from Clinical Specimens

임상검체에서 Candida spp.에 대한 분리빈도

  • Shin, Hyun-Sung (Laboratory Science Office) ;
  • Park, Youn-Bo (Department of Laboaratory Medicine, Chungnam National Univercity Hospital) ;
  • Shin, Du-Sik (Department of Biological Science, Konkuk University)
  • 신현성 (임상병리 연구실) ;
  • 박연보 (충남대학병원진단검사 의학과) ;
  • 신두식 (건국대학교 대학원 생명과학과)
  • Received : 2010.10.12
  • Accepted : 2010.12.01
  • Published : 2010.12.31


A total of 167,955 microorganisms were isolated from 366,661 clinical specimens. Among them, 6,517 strains of the Candida spp. were isolated from the department of laboratory medicine in "C" hospital from Jan. 1, 2005 to Dec. 31, 2009. All clinical specimens were reviewed by the medical records of patients with Candida by the method of retrospectiveness. From this, we got the some isolated pure cultured yeasts. We identified these yeast by the identification kit system of VITEKII and VITEKII-ID-YST card. The isolation frequencies of Candida spp. were as follows. 56.4%,of C. albicans, 17.7% C tropicalis, 10.7% C glabrata and 9.5% C parapsilosis. The isolated frequency of Candida spp. in 2009 was 1.9 times higher than that in 2005. The clinical materials showing over 10.0% isolation rate were in sputum (30.1%), random urine (25.0%), 15.8% blood (15.8%) and catheterized urine (13.5%) in Candida spp.. The clinical department of showing over 7.0% isolation rate were in pulmonary medicine (20.5%), renal medicine (11.0%), infection disease medicine (10.4%), critical care medicine (10.0%), hematooncology (9.6%), general surgery (7.5%) and gastrointestinal medicine (7.4%) in Candida spp.. In monthly analysis, Candida spp. were most friquency isolated in July (10.6%), but lowest one in February (6.1%). Candida spp. were most frequently isolated in patient of over 50 years old (16.7-40.1%) than those isolated from the patients under the age of 0-49 (1.3-7.5%).

검체는 2005년 1월1일부터 2009년 12월31일까지 C 병원 진단 검사의학과에 의뢰된 환자의 임상검체 총 366,661예로부터 총 167,955 미생물이 분리되었고 이 중 6,517주의 Candida spp. 분리균을 자동화기기로 동정한 것을 후향적으로 처리 하였다. 배양균주는 smooth하고, 크림색이며, 약간 mucoid하고, 혼탁한 집락을 0.45% salin에 McFarland No 1.6-2.0되게 탁도를 맞춘 후 반응시약이 들어 있는 ID-YST card에 접종하여, VITEK II(bioMerieux Duham NC, USA)의 자동화기기에 넣어 동정하였고, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. Candida spp.의 분리율은 2005년도에 비하여 2009년이 1.9배 증가하였다. 분리빈도가 높은 Candida spp.는 C. albicans 56.4%, C. tropicalis 17.7%, C. glabrata 10.7%, C. parapsilosis 9.5%였고, Candida spp가 10%이상 분리된 검체는 객담 30.1%, 무작위소변 25.0%, 혈액 15.8%, 카테타소변 13.5%였으며, 7%이상 분리된 부서는 호흡기내과 20.5%, 신장내과 11.0%, 감염내과 10.4%, 응급의학과 10.0%, 혈액종양내과 9.6%, 외과 7.5%, 소화기내과 7.4%였다. Candida spp가 증가된 달은 7월이 10.6%였고, 가장 낮게 분리된 달은 2월이 6.1%였다. Candida spp.가 증가된 연령군은 70세 이상 군이 40.1%였고, 가장 낮게 분리된 연령군은 10대가 1.3%였고, 0-49세군(1.3-7.5%)대 50세 이상 군(16.7-40.1%)의 비교에서는 1 : 4.7로 50세 이상 군이 월등히 높았다.



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