The physicochemical characteristics and acceptability of various commercial low-priced French wines were determined. A~E wines were manufactured from France and F wine was bottled in Germany using French Cabernet Sauvignon grape species. Sample wines were analyzed for pH, total soluble content, acidity, color, total sugar, total polyphenol and sulfur dioxide. The pH of the wines were ranged from 3.3 to 2.6. The total soluble contents were the highest in wine A (10.25 Brix%), followed by wine C (9.72 Brix%), wine D (9.67 Brix%) and wine B (9.61 Brix%) and were the lowest in wines E and F (9.42 Brix%). In the color analysis, wine F showed the highest L (lightness) and a (redness) value (28.11 and 23.86, respectively). The b (yellowness) value for all the samples studied ranged from 52.17 to 61.05. Wine C (62.24 g/L) and F (69.91 g/L) showed higher total sugar contents, and the total sugar contents of wines D, E, B and A were 48.58, 42.74, 37.74 and 36.99 g/L, respectively. Total polyphenol contents were the highest in wine C (2.59 g/L) and the lowest in wines A and B (1.90 g/L). The contents of sulfite in wine D (68.78 mg/L) were the highest and was the lowest in wine B (58.18 mg/L). The sensory characteristics and preference analysis (sourness, bitterness, sweetness, astringent taste, aroma, color and overall acceptability) of the red wines used in this study were determined by 15 panelists using the 7-point hedonic scale. Sourness of wines ranged between 3.8~4.9 and sweetness of wines D and F (3.0) were the highest amongst the red wines used in this study. Wines D, E and F had the higher scores in overall acceptability of sensory properties and wine E was the highest amongst the wines used in this study.
본 연구에서는 국내에 시판되고 있는 프랑스 Cabernet Sauvignon 품종의 저가 와인 6종을 선별하여 pH, 총고형량, 산도, 색도, 총당 함량, 폴리페놀 함량, 이산화황 함량 등의 이화학적 품질특성과 신맛, 쓴맛, 단맛, 향, 색 등의 기호도를 조사하였다. pH는 C 와인이 3.32로 가장 낮았고, A 와인이 3.65로 가장 높았으며, 3.3~3.6의 범위였다. 총고형량은 A 와인이 가장 높았고(10.25 Brix%), E, F 와인이 가장 낮았다(9.42 Brix%). 산도는 A 와인이 0.96%로 가장 높았고 F 와인이 0.56%로 가장 낮았다. 백색도(L)는 F 와인이 가장 높았고, 22~28의 범위이었다. 적색도(a)는 A 와인이 가장 낮았고, 6~23의 범위이었다. 황색도(b)는 F 와인이 가장 높았고, 52~61의 범위이었다. 총당 함량은 C, F 와인이 각각 62.24g/L와 69.91 g/L로 높은 값을 나타내었고 A, B 와인은 각각 36.99 g/L와 37.74 g/L이었다. 총 폴리페놀의 함량은 C 와인이 2.59 g/L로 가장 높았고 A, B 와인이 1.90 g/L로 가장 낮았다. 이산화황 함량은 D 와인이 68.78 mg/L로 가장 높았고, B 와인이 58.18 mg/L로 가장 낮았다. 7점 척도법으로 수행한 관능검사(신맛, 쓴맛, 단맛, 떪은 맛, 향, 색, 전체적인 기호도)에서는 신맛은 3.7~4.9, 쓴맛은 3.7~5.1, 단맛은 2.2~3.0, 떫은맛은 4.1~5.6, 향은 3.4~4.5, 색은 2.8~5.7, 전체적인 기호도는 2.8~4.6의 범위이었다.