Some Instances of Manchurian Naturalization and Settlement in Choson Dynasty

향화인의 조선 정착 사례 연구 - 여진 향화인을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2009.11.20
  • Accepted : 2009.12.12
  • Published : 2009.12.30


In the late Koryo period, until 14th century, there had been at least two groups of Manchurians who were conferred citizenships; one group was living as an original inhabitant in the coastal area of north­eastern part of Korean peninsular, long time ago, and they were over one thousand households. The other was coming down from inland, eastern part of Yoha River, to the area of Tuman River to settle down and they were at least around one hundred and sixty households, including such tribes as Al-tha-ry, Ol-lyang-hap, Ol-jok-hap and others. They were treated courteously, from the early days of Choson dynasty, with governmental policies in an economic, political, and social ways. They were given, for instance, a house, a land, household furniture, and clothes. They were allowed to get marry with a native Korean to settle down. They were educated how to cultivate their lands. It was also possible for them to be given an official position politically or allowed to take a National Civil Official Examination. The fact they could take such an Examination, in particular, means they were treated fairly and equally, because they also had a privilege to improve their social positions through the formal system as much as common people. Two typical families were scrutinized, in this paper, family Chong-hae Lee and family Chon-ju Ju. All of them were successful to settle down with different backgrounds each other. The former were from a headman, Lee Jee-ran, who controlled his tribe, over five hundred households. He was given three titles of a meritorious retainer at the founding of Chosun dynasty, at the retrieval of armies, and an enshrined retainer. His son, Lee Wha-yong, was also given a vassal of merit who kept a close tie successfully with the king's family through a marriage. Upon the foundation of their ancestors, their grandsons, family Lee Hyo-yang and family Lee Hyo-gang, each, had taken solid root as an aristocratic Yang-ban class. The former became a high officer family, generation by generation, while the latter changed into a civil official family through Civil Official Examinations. They lived mainly around Seoul, Kyong-gi Province and some lived in their original places, Ham-kyong Province. Chu-man, the first ancestor, was given a meritorious retainer at the founding of the dynasty and Chu-in was also given a high officer position from the government. They kept living at the original place, Ham-heung, Ham-kyong Province, and then became an outstanding local family there. They began to pass the Civil Official Examinations. After 17th century on the passers were 17 in Civil Official Examinations and 40 were passed in lower civil examinations. The positions in government they attained usually were remonstrance which position was prohibited particularly to North­Western people at that time. The Chosun dynasty was open to Machurians widely through the system of envoy, convoy, and naturalization. It was intended to build up an enclosure policy through a friendly diplomatic relation with them against any possible invasion from outside. This is one reason why they were supported fully that much in a various way.

고려 말에 동북면에 들어와서 거주하던 토착여진과 요동 지방 내륙에서 남하하여 두만강 유역 부근에 자리잡은 알타리 올량합 올적합 등의 여진족이 향화하였다. 향화한 여진인에게 경제적 사회적 정치적 우대 정책이 시행되었다. 특히 향화인에게 과거 응시를 허락한 것은 이들을 조선의 백성으로 인정한 단적인 예이며, 이들이 과거를 통해서 자신들의 신분을 상승시킬 수 있는 길을 열어놓았다. 향화인 가운데 성공적으로 조선에 정착하여 양반으로 성장한 사례가 있는데, 청해 이씨와 전주 주씨이다. 청해 이씨는 여진의 대추장으로서 관하민도 500호나 되었으며, 개국공신 회군공신 배향공신으로서 조정에서 경제적 사회적 정치적 혜택을 충분히 받았다. 게다가 이지란의 아들 이화영 역시 공신으로서 그의 정치적 입지를 굳혀갔고, 종친과의 혼인으로 왕실과 관계를 돈독히 하였다. 이지란과 이화영이 마련한 기반 위에서 양반 가문으로서 계속 성장된 것은 이화영의 아들 이효양(李孝讓)과 이효강(李孝綱) 집안이다. 이 두 가문에서 배출된 과거 급제자는 문과 7명, 무과 15명, 생원 진사시 16명 등이다. 청해 이씨의 주된 거주지는 서울과 경기 지역이었으며, 일부 함경도 지역에도 남아있었다. 전주 주씨는 함흥에 같이 정착했던 주만(朱萬)은 개국원종공신에 책봉되었고, 주인(朱仁)은 중앙으로부터 서반직을 제수받았다. 전주 주씨는 함흥에 토착하여 재지 세력으로 성장되었다. 16세기부터 문과 급제자가 배출되기 시작하여 17세기 이후로 문과 급제자 22명, 생원 진사시 입격자 40명을 배출한 문인 가문으로 성장하였다. 전주 주씨의 관직 진출을 보더라도 서북 인사에게 통청되기 어려웠던 언관직 진출이 많았다. 전주 주씨는 함흥을 중심으로 재지 기반을 확고히 하고 언관과 같은 청직에 진출되면서 함경도의 명문 성관으로 부상되었다.
