Effect of Coating Methods on the Properties of Poly(lactide)-coated Paperboard: Solution Coating vs. Thermo-compression Coating

  • Published : 2009.10.31


Poly(lactide) (PLA)-coated paperboards were prepared by solution coating and thermo-compression coating methods and their effect of coating on the packaging properties such as tensile, water resistance, water vapor barrier, and heat sealing properties was tested. Compared with uncoated control paperboard, tensile strength (TS) of PLA-coated paperboard increased profoundly (2.2-2.6 folds) with slight increase in elongation at break (E). Water absorptiveness (WA) of the paperboard decreased 74-170 folds and water vapor permeability (WVP) decreased 6.3-22.1 folds by coating with PLA, which indicates an increase in the hydrophobicity of the surface of paperboard. Compared with polyethylene (PE)-coated paperboard, both PLA-coated paperboard exhibited 2.3 time higher heat sealing strength. In addition, the PLA-coated paperboards showed equal or higher wet TS than PE-coated paperboard. All the test results showed that the paperboard coated by the thermo-compression coating method was similar to or better than those of coated by the solution coating method.



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