A Study on the Planning Directions based on the Analysis of the Campus Plan

대학 캠퍼스계획의 분석을 통한 방향설정에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2009.09.30


The existing universities enlarged the scope, filled up the facilities. And many new universities are founded by increase of university students, the change of curriculum and extension of installations for new curriculum. However, the planning for university campus hinders desirable activities in campus and also the origin function of university, because of the problems caused by an application of a uniform planning standard that lacks in logical analysis and such a short step as the occasion demands for the growth and the change of the university campus changing more rapidly than any other field in society. This dissertation is for space program beginning from architectural explanation and basic planning concluding a general structure-planning for land utility, circulation planning, and building layout planning in order to find the practical solution for the applicable campus plan. The contents of this dissertation is summarized below. First, I studied the characteristics of the university, the structure of the university facilities and the expansion the development process of the campus. Second, through the case study of domestic campus planning, I analyzed the characteristics and the problems about space programming, facility layout planning, circulation planning and exterior space planning. Third, in the basis of the above analyses, I set up the directions of comprehensive campus master plan.



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