한국 현대건축의 공간.형태에서 나타난 탈정형적 표현에 관한 연구

A Study on Ex-Formal Expression Observed in Space.Form of Korean Modern Architecture

  • 장훈익 (울산과학대학 공간디자인학부)
  • 투고 : 2009.10.22
  • 심사 : 2009.12.06
  • 발행 : 2009.12.26


In this study, the ex-formal expressions observed in space form of Korean modern architecture are distributed for characteristic analysis based on the period and type. The result of the study is certified by the work analysis and the result is as follows. Initially, due to the limited materials and influence of western brutalism, the works developed during 1960~70 tend to be plastic and contain expressionism. Around 1980's, the works tend to show forms of amusement and popularity. In 1990's the works show significance in deconstructive expression. From after 2000, ecological concept of architecture was introduced and organic expression started increasing Secondly, the ex-formal expressions are found to be in four different types. The organic expression is shown regardless of the period. In modern days, not only the physical properties of materials, but also the ecological concept is combined with the organic expression and is in increase. The plural expression started appearing after the 1980's and the sculptural diversity is enhancing with the addition of decorative factors or modification of geometrical form. The ex-construction and deconstructive expression show significance in some characteristics such as folding, inclination, and geometrical explosion. The free form and nonlinear expression tend to increase dramatically based on the development of structure technology as well as execution and introduce of the digital design technique.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 울산과학대학


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