공공 포탈에서의 웹 2.0 구현전략에 관한 연구 : EBS 사례를 중심으로

A Web 2.0 Strategy for the Public Portal Sites : EBS Case

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Web 2.0 which is characterized by openness, sharing with others and users' active participation has a strong impact on Individual and business environments. New technology such as open-API, RSS, collective intelligence gives various benefits to the website user. Recently, the Web 2.0 paradigm has also affected the public service. Many public service organizations are also adopting Web 2.0 applications to improve their ability for serving users more effectively. However, there is a contradiction between value of public service and that of web 2.0. Web 2.0 which pursues openness and freedom of expression can impair the accuracy and reliability of public information in the public sites. We conducted a case study on EBS which reflects the Web 2.0 strategy for websites renewal. To cope with environmental changes, EBS began reorganization of the web site and applied Web 2.0 strategy for leveraging an easy to use and user satisfaction. This research shows that how to Implement the Web 2.0 strategy and what is the limitation of it. The findings of this study suggest practical implications for Web 2.0 strategy in public web sites, especially for educational fields.



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