Accuracy of Predictive Equations for Resting Metabolic Rate in Korean College Students

남녀 대학생에 있어서 휴식대사량 예측공식의 정확도 평가

  • Lee, Ga-Hee (Department of Food Science, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ;
  • Kim, Myung-Hee (Department of Food Science, Gangneung-Wonju National University) ;
  • Kim, Eun-Kyung (Department of Food Science, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
  • 이가희 (강릉원주대학교 생명과학대학 식품과학과) ;
  • 김명희 (강릉원주대학교 생명과학대학 식품과학과) ;
  • 김은경 (강릉원주대학교 생명과학대학 식품과학과)
  • Published : 2009.08.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the accuracy of predictive equations for resting metabolic rate (RMR) in Korean college students. Subjects were 60 healthy Korean college students (30 males, 30 females) aged 18-25 years. RMR was measured by indirect calorimetry. Predicted RMRs were calculated using the Harris-Benedict, Schofield (W)/(WH), FAO/ WHO/UNU(W)/(WH), Owen, Mifflin, Cunningham, Liu, IMNA and Henry (W)/(WH) equations. The accuracy of the equations was evaluated on basis of accurate prediction (the percentage of subjects whose RMR was predicted within 90% to 110% of the RMR measured), mean difference, RMSPE, mean % difference, limits of agreement of Bland- Altman method between predicted and measured RMR. Measured RMR of male and female students were $1833.4{\pm}307.4kcal/day$ and $1454.3{\pm}208.0kcal/day$, respectively. All predictive equations underestimated measured RMR. Of the predictive equations tested, the Harris-Benedict equation (mean difference: -80.4 kcal/day, RMSPE: 236 kcal/day, mean % difference: -3.1%) was the most accurate and precise, but accurate prediction of the equation was only 42%. Thus, this study suggests that the ethnicity-specific predictive equation from Korean people should be developed to improve the accuracy of predicted RMR for Koreans. (Korean J Community Nutrition 14(4) : 462${\sim}$473, 2009)



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