Age-related Circulating Inflammatory Markers and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Korean Women

한국 성인 여성에서 연령에 따른 혈중 염증 표지자와 심혈관계 질환 위험 요인에 대한 연구

  • Kwak, Ho-Kyung (Department of Home Economics, Korea National Open University) ;
  • Kim, Mi-Joung (Department of Nutrition, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Women's University)
  • 곽호경 (한국방송통신대학교 가정학과) ;
  • 김미정 (서울여자대학교 식품과학부 식품영양학전공)
  • Published : 2009.08.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate the age-related changes of cardiovascular disease risk factors and inflammatory markers in non-obese Korean women. Subjects were 112 women over 20 years old with body mass index (BMI) less than $30 kg/m^2$ and were divided into 3 groups (< 40 years, $40{\sim}59$ years, ${\ge}60$ years). Mean weight and BMI in the oldest group were significantly higher than those in the other 2 younger groups (p < 0.05). Mean total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A1 ratio (BAR) in the oldest group were significantly higher than those in the youngest group (p < 0.05), and mean HDL-cholesterol of the oldest group was significantly lower than that of the youngest group (p < 0.05). The older-aged group showed significantly higher mean values of atherogenic index (AI) and LDL/HDL ratio (p < 0.05) than the respective younger-aged group, and AI was significantly correlated with age, nitric oxide and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (p < 0.01). In addition, mean vascular cell adhesion molecule-l (VCAM-1) tended to be higher in the older-aged group than the younger group. Tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$, a proinflammatory maker, was significantly positively correlated with serum homocysteine, a cardiovascular disease risk factor (p < 0.01). In addition, a significantly positive correlation was observed between C-reactive protein and BAR (p < 0.01). Overall results suggested that the aging might affect the increase of cardiovascular disease risk factors including the serum lipid profiles, weight and BMI, and age-related increases of weight and BMI might play a role in changes in certain biomarkers of inflammation. (Korean J Community Nutrition 14(4) : 451${\sim}$461, 2009)



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