The small multi-jointed robots for most education are developed with the way of firmware. But the firmware may be very difficult to develop as gradually increasing throughputs and control routines. Due to limit of firmware we try to use on RTOS, but hard to adapt on the small multi-jointed robots. It would be hard to install RTOS into the small multi-jointed robots because of the size capacity of RTOS, and lack of libraries for control of the particular hardware. Moreover, even its RTOS with many functions causes its to make overheads scheduling, TCB (Task Control Block), and task states. Also to keep maintenance of RTOS, it is composed of components for the whole structure of my proposed RTOS. Additionally, We provided with libraries of servo motor and sensor control and developed RMS (Rate Montonic scheduler) to handle tasks on real time and reduce overheads. Therefore, It is possible to work the fixed priority and task preemptive way. We show one example of the multi-jointed robot installed with my proposed RTOS, which shows to obstacle avoidance and climbing up the slope.