Merging Taxonomies under RCC-5 Algebraic Articulations

  • Thau, David (Dept. of Computer Science, University of California at Davis) ;
  • Bowers, Shawn (Genome Center, University of California at Davis) ;
  • Ludaescher, Bertram (Dept. of Computer Science, University of California at Davis)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Taxonomies are widely used to classify information, and multiple (possibly competing) taxonomies often exist for the same domain. Given a set of correspondences between two taxonomies, it is often necessary to "merge" the taxonomies, thereby creating a unied taxonomy (e.g., that can then be used by data integration and discovery applications). We present an algorithm for merging taxonomies that have been related using articulations given as RCC-5 constraints. Two taxa Nand M can be related using (disjunctions of) the ve base relations in RCC-5: M; N ${\subseteq}$M; N ${\supseteq}$; N ${\oplus}$M (partial overlap of Nand M); and N ! M (disjointness: N ${\cap}$M = ${\varnothing}$). RCC-5 is increasingly being adopted by scientists to specify mappings between large biological taxonomies. We discuss the properties of the proposed merge algorithm and evaluate our approach using real-world taxonomies.



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