Evaluation on the Noise Influence and Reduction due to the Change of Military Aircraft Flight Path

군용항공기의 운항 경로 변경에 따른 소음영향 및 저감 평가

  • Received : 2009.03.02
  • Accepted : 2009.05.10
  • Published : 2009.06.30


The present study investigates the effects of the flight paths of military aircraft on noise map and its WECPNL(Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level) distribution. Aircraft noise modeling and simulation have been performed on a Korean military air base by means of INM(Integrated Noise Model) with the input data of airfield location, aircraft specifications, flight paths and aircraft's operation schedules. The result of noise modelling has been verified in comparison with the result of measured noise level. The flight path of military aircraft, as the key parameter of the present study, was modeled by combining takeoff, overfly, approach and touch-and-go modes. The present INM simulations have been conducted for various flight path cases with different takeoff, approach modes and overfly modes. The simulation results showed that the change of flight path can remarkably affect the noise influence region and the WECPNL distribution around the airfield.



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