The water of rivers and lakes are affecting by point and nonpoint source pollutions. The point source pollution can be controlled by establishing the treatment plants. However, nonpoint source pollution by various human activities is not easy to be controlled because it is difficult to determine the exits of the water flow and have many exit points. Due to contribution of nonpoint source pollution, the achievement ratio of water quality in rivers and lakes is not high. TMDL is the outstanding water quality control policy because all of the pollutant loadings from the watershed area are counting on the input loads. Our aqua-ecosystem has self-purification process by biological, physical and ecological processes. The self-purification process can remove the pollutant load from background concentrations. Usually forest area is main source of background concentrations. In Korea, about 70% of the national boundary area consists of mountains. This study is conducting as part of long-term monitoring to determine the Event Mean Concentration during a storm. The monitoring was performed on a broad-leaved tree area.