A Study of Relevant System for Developing Eco-friendly Maritime Resort - Focused on Geographical and Geological Characteristics of Golf Courses in Islands Region -

친환경 해양관광시설 조성을 위한 관련 제도에 대한 검토 - 도서지역 골프장입지의 지형, 지질 특수성을 중심으로 -

  • Kim, Sehyun (Dept. of Mineral & Mine Engineering, Sangji University)
  • 김세현 (상지대학교 자원공학과)
  • Received : 2009.04.28
  • Accepted : 2009.06.19
  • Published : 2009.10.31


A complex maritime resort combined marina and with course of Korea is required to improve international tourism competitiveness by taking advantage of her environmental favorable circumstances. The development of tourism, however, is focused on land-oriented that incurred lower tourism efficiency and international tourism competitiveness. In addition, the regulation of "Preliminary environmental assessment for golf courses" by the Ministry of Environment is emphasized on land geography and geology that can cause damage of tourist attractions in an island region. In particular, the development of 6th or 7th ridges in mountainous island region within 2km from the sea, that holds scenic and academic value, can go against environment-friendly by geographical and geological damage. According to the regulation for consultation for golf courses and forestry is to preserve regional ecosystem over 6th ridge, but it cannot be applicable to island region because that can form excessive slopes where marine ecosystem is required to be maintained. It, therefore, can be desirable that the development of over 6th ridge in an island region. It is suggested that continuous comparative studies of geographical and geological characteristics between land and island region will be carried on to establish feasible and reasonable development model so that balanced development of land and island, and versatile international environment-friendly maritime resort can be achieved and developed.



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