아동의 성과 공격성 유형에 따른 어머니 양육행동, 아동의 정서지능과 일상적 스트레스 수준의 차이

Maternal Parenting Behaviors, Children's Emotional Intelligence, and Daily Hassles According to Children's Sex and Types of Aggression

  • 김지현 (한양사이버대학교 아동학과)
  • Kim, Ji-Hyun (Child Studies and Education, Hanyang Cyber University)
  • 투고 : 2009.08.24
  • 심사 : 2009.11.11
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This study explored differences in maternal parenting behaviors, children's emotional intelligence, and daily hassles by children's sex and types of aggression. Subjects were 200 children in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade and their mothers from four elementary schools. Instruments were the Maternal Parenting Behaviors Scale (Kim, 2006), the Emotional Intelligence Scale (Lee, 1997), the Daily Hassles Scale(Min & Yoo, 1998), and the Peer-nomination Measure (Crick, 1995; Crick & Grotpeter, 1995). Data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis and multivariate analysis of variance. Findings revealed that the relational aggressive group had higher emotional intelligence and more daily hassles; girls had higher level of daily hassles than boys. Maternal parenting behaviors did not differ by child's sex and type of aggression.



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