Clinical Analysis of 292 Cases of Tic Disorder in Oriental Medicine Clinic

한의원에 내원한 틱장애 환자 292례 증례분석

  • Chun, Young-Ho (Prime Oriental Medical Clinic, Depl.of Oriental Internal Medicine College of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Won-Ill (Depl.of Oriental Neuropsychiatry College of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Bo-Kyung (Dongeui University. Susan. Korea)
  • 천영호 (프라임한의원) ;
  • 김원일 (동의대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 김보경 (동의대학교 한의과대학 한방신경정신과학교실)
  • Published : 2009.03.30


Objectives : In this study, patients with tic disorders who visited an Oriental medicine clinic were examined for their demographic characteristics, characteristics of symptoms, relation to Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) and peculiarity according to various variables such as motor and vocal tics. Methods : After surveying 292 patients who visited an Oriental medicine clinic with tic symptoms as main complaints for 17 months, SAS 9.1, a statistical program was used for statistical analysis. Results : 1. The BMI of male tic patients was significantly higher than female ones and it was similar to or higher than the normal group. 2. Patients who are eldest children were 1.7 times higher than those who are not eldest ones. 3. The most usual case of motor tics was the eye blink and the most one of vocal tics was a dry cough. 4. There was no significant difference between male and female patients for all symptoms of motor and vocal tics, but male patients had significantly more obsessions related to tics than female ones. 5. There was no significant difference in the age of initial occurrence of Transient tic disorder(TTD), Chronic tic disoder(CTD) and Tourette's disorder(TD). 6. For the general disorder of a tic and Conners' ADHD rating scale, there was no significance in TTD, CTD and TD. 7. 66% out of the total subjects of 197 cases were found to score more than 65 points in more than 1 items among 8 items such as the time, hearing, wrong alarm, mean response time and standard deviation in the response time, etc. of the ADHD diagnosis system(ADS). 8. The eye blink among motor tics was shown mainly by patients under 10 years old and the frown, movement of the head, shrug and movement of the arms were shown mainly by 11-19 years old patients. Conclusions : For the number, frequency, seriousness and inconvenience in life of tics, TD showed a significantly higher result than TTD and CTD.



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