치위생(학)과 학생의 치과감염관리에 관한 인식현황

Current conditions regarding dental infection management recognition of students in the department of dental hygiene

  • 투고 : 2009.07.27
  • 심사 : 2009.09.20
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


This research was performed to provide basic data for the development of infection related dental hygiene studies by surveying the current condition of recognition among students in the department of dental hygiene toward hospital infection management while receiving the following results by using a personal self-administered survey method targeting 303 students in the department of dental hygiene from certain areas. 1. With the current condition of recognition on the sanitization and sterilization of instruments among students in the department of dental hygiene(study), the rate at which surgical instruments are to be sterilized with autoclaves was 79.9% which was relatively higher than other instruments while it was shown that prosthetic instruments for treatment was 56.4%, conservative instruments for treatment was 51.8%, and ultrasonic scaler tip was 51.1% while the way syringe tips(36.1%) and the dental anesthetic apparatus(27.9%) were revealed to require sanitization by alcohol. 2. The 'hand wash' area was the highest with 4.71 while the 'materials and environment management' area and 'equipment management' area appeared high respectively with 4.43 and 4.41. 3. With the current condition of recognition on equipment management, 'equipments used for contagious patients are separately washed after a one-time use and must be sterilized or separated-and-discarded' was the highest with 4.82 while 'sterilization equipments with humidity or water on it are considered contaminated and are not used' showed the lowest recognition level with 3.90. 4. Regarding the current condition of materials and environment management, 'contagious and general trash are separated and discarded' was the highest with 4.70 while 'the refrigerator for medicine storage is cleaned on a regular basis once a month' was revealed as the lowest with 4.11. 5. With the current condition of recognition on hand washing, 'one must wash their hands after coming in contact with contagious patients, was the highest with 4.90 while washing hands after taking off gloves' appeared as the lowest with 4.51 point. To conclude department of dental hygiene there is to infection management and necessary about organization disinfecting and pasteurization to strengthen an education in order raising a stamp helping practical ratio about the infection management which whole, is from presence at a sickbed and connection does and about the infection management which is substantial and educational program development leads feed with the fact that deepening studying which is continuous must become accomplished becomes.



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