The 1st Incheon Rapid Transit Line opened in October, 1999. However, the current development plans for areas near stations do not involve plans for the both urban planning and transportation together. As the focus on only the aspect of installing a new transportation mode, the developments even make the problems such as reckless development and traffic congestion gets worse. It is required to analyse status of the current land uses and land use plans in the future and consider distribution of functions of the areas near stations and aims of development plans so as to harmonize the functions of each region in view of making balance in the whole city. The aims of developments of areas near stations has to focus on the study follows steps to find and suggest aims and strategies for the revitalization plan for areas near stations with considering the both transportation and land uses together. The plans for the areas near stations of the Incheon 1st Rapid Transit Line are analysed and then the features and rational strategies are derived. The impact is analysed as applying the development strategies derived from the step into the areas near the stations of Incheon 1st Rapid Transit line.
인천광역시는 1999년 10월 도시철도1호선 개통에 따른 역세권 개발은 대규모 도시계획사업이지만 역주변의 토지이용을 특성화 하지 못하여서 교통 혼잡 발생과 이용자의 불편을 초례하고 도시문제가 개선되기 못하고 심화되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 인천 1호선 전철의 역세권 주변 인구 및 토지이용현황 등을 분석하여 도시전체에 대한 합리적인 기능의 배분과 적정한 개발수준을 결정하기 위해 각 역세권의 기능과 목적을 고려하였다. 각각의 역세권 유형별 특성변화를 분석하여 향후 건설될 역세권에 대한 건설로 발생하게 될 파급효과와 교통 및 토지이용의 변화를 고려한 통합적이고 특성화된 역세권 개발 방향을 제시하고자 한다.