인터넷 UCC 기반 디지털콘텐츠 서비스의 소비자 참여와 확산에 관한 연구

An Exploratory Study of Consumer's Participation and Diffusion of Internet UCC-based on Digital Contents Services

  • 김연정 (호서대학교 디지털비즈니스학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The purpose of research is to investigate patterns and diffusion of consumer participation on Internet UCC based on digital contents services. A sample survey of internet users was conducted, responses were collected from 629 respondents and consumer streaming data were analyzed. Some of the practical implications of the results are follows. Research can find out that patterns of user participation in UCC. The major genres of UCC are like daily lives of individuals, humors, parodies of star entertainers and types of contents like still pictures or images, texts are relatively highly generated comparing with multimedia UCC. Although participants have been being increased in UCC recently, the consumers as prosumers who are classified in contents generating group are ten percents at the most. In generating community-based UCC such as posting answers of questions and activities in Blog, prosumers who are in contents making group(recreational group) show more positive attitudes than simple participants(consuming only). The results of multiple regression analysis indicated that fun & entertainment, arousal, self-expression, user friendly web interface variable commonly posited a significant effect in multimedia UCC Services between two groups. Information sharing and perceived usefulness posited a significant effect in recreational group.



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