이혼위기에 있는 결혼 초기 부부에 대한 부부치료 사례연구

A Case Study on the Marital Therapy for Newly Wedded Couple in Divorce Crisis

  • 박태영 (숭실대학교 사회복지학과) ;
  • 김태한 (숭실대학교 사회복지학과) ;
  • 김혜선 (숭실대학교 사회복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The purposes of the study were to find the characteristics of spousal conflict, the characteristics of the origin of family in couple, the intervention techniques of the family therapist, and the processes of change in couple through family therapy. The total family counseling was 9 sessions, which included individual and couple therapy. The study used constant comparative analysis by using open coding method to find the factors. The study suggested the whole model for the study, which could be shown the processes of family therapy in this case study, by using graphical network display. The results of study showed the personal characteristics of husband and wife, the characteristics of the origin of family in couple, the intervention techniques of the family therapist, and the processes of change in husband through family therapy by using matrix. The results revealed that there were many differences in characteristics to cause spousal conflicts and characteriscts in family of origin to influence the crisis of divorce. The therapeutic intervention to treat the couples in the crisis of divorce were facilitation of communication between husband and wife, husband's differentiation of self from family of origin, and understanding about the perspectives of family members. As results of therapeutic intervention, there were showed the spousal change of recognition to each other, husband's differentiation of self, wife's growth of self, and improvement of communication.



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