우주식품 개발을 위한 건조 쌀밥의 품질 평가

Quality Evaluation of Dried Cooked Rice as Space Food

  • 박재남 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선식품생명공학팀) ;
  • 송범석 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선식품생명공학팀) ;
  • 한인준 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선식품생명공학팀) ;
  • 김재훈 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선식품생명공학팀) ;
  • 윤요한 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선식품생명공학팀) ;
  • 최종일 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선식품생명공학팀) ;
  • 변명우 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선식품생명공학팀) ;
  • 손희숙 (전북대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이주운 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선식품생명공학팀)
  • Park, Jae-Nam (Team for Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Song, Beom-Seok (Team for Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Han, In-Jun (Team for Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Jae-Hun (Team for Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Yoon, Yo-Han (Team for Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Choi, Jong-Il (Team for Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Byun, Myung-Woo (Team for Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Sohn, Hee-Sook (Dept. of Food Science & Human Nutrition, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Ju-Woon (Team for Radiation Food Science and Biotechnology, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2009.07.31


본 실험에서는 쌀밥을 우주식품으로 활용하기 위해 천일건조, 열풍건조 및 동결건조 된 쌀밥의 복원특성 및 관능적 품질평가를 비교평가 하였다. 열풍건조와 동결건조 쌀밥의 복원율은 천일건조 쌀밥 보다 유의적으로 높았으나 두 실험구 간의 유의적 차이는 없었다(p<0.05). 전자현미경을 통한 단면관찰에서 천일건조 쌀밥은 기공이 없는 매끈한 표면을 나타내었고 열풍건조 쌀밥은 큰 기공을 가지는 반면에 동결건조 쌀밥은 다공성의 조직을 나타내었다. 열풍건조 쌀밥의 S/H는 동결건조 쌀밥과 유사하였으며 천일건조 쌀밥보다 유의적으로 높았다(p<0.05). 또한 관능적 선호도 역시 열풍건조와 동결건조 간 유의적 차이는 없었다(p<0.05).

This study was conducted to investigate the rehydration properties and the sensory quality of sun-dried (SD), hot-air dried (HD), and freeze-dried (FD) cooked rice as space food. Rehydration ratio of HD and FD were significantly higher than those of SD, but there was no significant difference between HD and FD (p<0.05). A cross section of SD showed the smooth surface without any cavities. While HD showed large cavities, many small air cells in FD were observed by a scanning electronic microscope. Stickiness/hardness ratio of HD was similar to that of FD and significantly higher than SD (p<0.05). Also, sensory properties of HD and FD were significantly higher than those of SD, but there were no differences between HD and FD (p<0.05).



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