A Study on Utilization of De Facto Standards for National Standards

사실상표준의 국가표준으로의 활용 방안에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2009.06.30


De facto standards can be divided into the U.S. group standards' and 'forum and the consortium standard. mainly applies to high-tech industry forums, and a consortium standard of the industry given the nature of the standard are frequently revised, the country Due to the introduction of standard time. Economic loss to consider when in reality, the introduction of national standards of the United States is limited to the desirable standard, and the fact the actual award of standards, national standards, or if you want to introduce standard, each of depending on the type of attitude and strategy for standards by category, based on the characteristics of each body strategy and are needed. Through this study on utilization of de facto standards for national standards, it is researched that major de facto standards bodies status and domestic industrial fields which need utilization of de facto standards for national standards. Through overseas Case, effective usage of de facto standards will be obtained.



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